For over six decades, the Art Directors Association of Iowa has been the state’s premier event showcasing the outstanding work in the field of commercial arts.

Step Right Up & Be A Winner
In its 62nd year and working with a board of talented volunteers, we took the creative lead in developing the event theme, an ode to a certain magical California park crossed with the world of design.

Mapping Out The Event
The centerpiece for the entire campaign was the Call-For-Entry mailer sent to all prospective participants.
Doubling as a commemorative poster, this colorful collateral served as a vehicle for both key information and great creative industry puns.
Oh, and it was scented with popcorn and waffle cone oils, because why not?

Derailed But Not Deterred
Due to the pandemic, the board delayed the event and pivoted to an online exhibition. No longer needing creative assets for a venue, ADAI doubled down on a digital campaign, complete with engaging animations.
Be a Winner
With everyone logged in, very little lag, and a capable host, entrants gathered online to celebrate their peers and claim their trophies… at a later date with the appropriate social distancing of course.